How To Build A Fiberglass UTV Roof
How To Build A Fiberglass UTV Roof

How to Build a Fiberglass UTV Roof – The Ultimate Guide 2024

A fibreglass roof is a fantastic alternative for improving the protection and durability of your UTV (Utility Task Vehicle). Even most of my utv have the fibreglass roof.

It not only provides great strength and weather resistance, but it also gives your vehicle a sleek and elegant appearance. how to build a fibreglass UTV roof? 

The main steps for building a fibreglass UTV roof are Preparing Your UTV for Roof Installation, Designing and Building the mould, Applying Fiberglass Layers, Trimming and Finishing Touches, and then Installing the Roof on Your UTV.

It’s important to know the benefits of a fibreglass UTV roof before starting construction. Fiberglass is durable and can withstand various weather conditions like rain, snow, and direct sunlight.

It’s also lighter than metal roofs, which improves UTV performance by reducing weight.

Fiberglass also provides excellent insulation effectively keeping the interior of your UTV cooler in hot weather and warmer during colder seasons.

Finally, fiberglass allows for customization enabling you to design a roof that suits your specific preferences and style.

One of my precious happiness is riding side by side in the presence of  Nature’s Bounty and Landscapes.

One of my precious happiness is riding side by side in the presence of  Nature's Bounty and Landscapes.

Gathering the Necessary Materials and Tools

To build a fibreglass UTV roof, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Fiberglass mat or cloth
  • Polyester resin and hardener
  • Mould release agent
  • Mixing containers and stirring sticks
  • Fiberglass roller or brush
  • Safety goggles, gloves, and a respirator
  • Cutting tools (jigsaw, utility knife, or similar)
  • Sandpaper or sanding block
  • Measuring tape and ruler
  • Marker or pencil

Preparing Your UTV for Roof Installation

While Racing and Rallying, I make sure to have full service of my side-by-side which often help me to keep maintain my side-by-side.

While Racing and Rallying, I make sure to have full service of my side-by-side which often help me to keep maintain my side-by-side.

Before proceeding with the roof installation, you must prepare your UTV accordingly. Start by thoroughly cleaning the roof area and removing any debris, dirt, or old roof attachments.

This will ensure a clean surface for the new fibreglass roof. Next measure the dimensions of your UTV’s roof area taking into account any desired overhang or specific design features.

Based on these measurements you can begin designing the mold for your fiberglass UTV roof.

Use a sturdy and lightweight material such as foam or plywood to construct the mould. Ensure that the mould matches the desired shape and contours of your roof accurately.

Designing and Building the mold

Trail Riding is one of my treasured adventures that I often do to get relief mentally and spiritually.

Trail Riding is one of my treasured adventures that I often do to get relief mentally and spiritually.

Designing and building the mould is a crucial step in creating your fibreglass UTV roof. Begin by transferring the measurements and shape onto your chosen material.

Use a jigsaw or similar cutting tool to carefully cut out the mould following the traced lines. Make sure this procedure is carried out correctly and precisely by taking your time.

Use sandpaper or a sanding block to remove any burrs or defects once the mould has been cut out. This will help the final product look more professional. Spray a mould release agent on the mould’s exterior after that.

As a result, the fibreglass won’t adhere to the mould and will be simpler to remove when curing is complete.

Applying Fiberglass Layers

Having experience of Four-Wheeling Fun with groups of friends is another joy for me.

Having experience of Four-Wheeling Fun with groups of friends is another joy for me.

With the mold prepared it’s time to apply the fiberglass layers. Start by cutting the fibreglass mat or cloth into manageable pieces that can be easily applied to the mould. 

Apply a thin layer of resin to the mould’s surface with a brush or roller. Then, using the brush or roller, smooth down a piece of fibreglass mat or cloth on top of the wet resin.

Continue stacking the resin and fibreglass until the appropriate thickness is reached. Remember to work fast because the resin will begin to cure after a certain amount of time.

After applying each layer use the roller or brush to remove any air bubbles and ensure proper adhesion. Allow each layer to cure according to the resin’s instructions before proceeding to the next.

This process may involve multiple layers depending on the desired strength and thickness of your fibreglass UTV roof.

In my Side-by-Side Journey, I have gone through many wear and tear with my side-by-side which I fix on my own, you can check out my further UTV fixing articles. 

Trimming and Finishing Touches

I have attached all the specs to make my side-by-side Outdoor Recreation Vehicle.

I have attached all the specs to make my side-by-side Outdoor Recreation Vehicle.

Once the fibreglass has fully cured, carefully remove the roof from the mould. Use a cutting tool to trim any excess fibreglass around the edges, ensuring a clean and precise fit for your UTV.

After trimming, sand the edges and surfaces of the roof to achieve a smooth finish.

Sometimes I move on such terrains where I can do a Mudding Experience even if I don’t want to because I have customised my side-by-side tires into big monster tires.

Installing the Roof on Your UTV

I always do Rock Crawling Challenges but never thought I would face shifting problems.

I always do Rock Crawling Challenges but never thought I would face shifting problems.

After you have completed the construction, trimming, and finishing of your fibreglass UTV roof, it’s time to install it onto your vehicle.

Proper installation ensures a secure fit and optimal functionality of the roof. Follow these steps to successfully install the roof on your UTV:

1. Clean the Roof Area: Before installing the fiberglass roof thoroughly clean the roof area of your UTV. Remove any dirt, debris, or residue that may hinder the installation process.

Use a mild soap and water solution or a suitable cleaner to ensure a clean and dry surface.

2. Positioning: Carefully place the fibreglass roof onto the UTV’s roof area ensuring proper alignment with the vehicle’s body. Double-check that the roof is centred and positioned correctly.

It’s helpful to have an extra set of hands during this step to assist with holding and aligning the roof.

3. Mounting Options: Depending on the design of your UTV and the specific roof model, there may be different mounting options available.

Common methods include bolting, clamping, or using specialized roof brackets or hardware.

Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or consult with a professional if necessary to determine the appropriate mounting method for your specific UTV and roof combination.

4. Bolting: If your roof is designed to be bolted onto the UTV, mark the locations where the bolts will be inserted. Carefully drill holes in the marked spots, ensuring the hole diameter matches the bolt size provided.

Securely fasten the bolts through the roof and into the corresponding mounting points on the UTV’s roof area. Use washers and nuts on the underside for added stability.

5. Clamping: For roofs that utilize clamps, position the clamps onto the roof’s edges or designated mounting points. Ensure the clamps are aligned with the UTV’s roof area and provide a secure grip.

Tighten the clamps using the appropriate tools, ensuring a firm and stable connection between the roof and the vehicle. Check the clamps periodically to ensure they remain tight during use.

6. Roof Brackets or Hardware: Some roof models may require the use of specialized brackets or hardware for installation.

Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific placement and attachment of these components. Follow the provided guidelines to securely attach the roof brackets or hardware to both the roof and the UTV.

7. Final Check: After installing the roof perform a final inspection to ensure that it is securely fastened and properly aligned.

Gently tug on the roof to ensure there is no movement or instability. Check all bolts, clamps, or brackets to ensure they are tight and secure.

Once you have completed the installation take your UTV for a short test drive to ensure that the roof remains stable and does not interfere with the vehicle’s performance or safety.

If you notice any issues such as rattling or shifting recheck the installation and make any necessary adjustments.

Proper installation of your fibreglass UTV roof is essential for safety and functionality.

Following the manufacturer’s instructions and taking the time to securely fasten the roof will ensure a reliable and durable attachment to your UTV.

Enjoy the added protection and comfort that your new roof provides as you embark on your UTV adventures.

I often do Outdoor Thrills with my friends, that’s why I keep my side-by-side up to date to make sure my side-by-side should last long.

I often do Outdoor Thrills with my friends, that’s why I keep my side-by-side up to date to make sure my side-by-side should last long.

Recommended Tools and Materials for Building a Fiberglass UTV Roof

Thrilling Hill Climbs is the adventure in which I face both fear and joy, speeding up on my side by side. 

Thrilling Hill Climbs is the adventure in which I face both fear and joy, speeding up on my side by side. 
Safety gogglesFiberglass mat or cloth
Respirator maskPolyester resin
Disposable glovesHardener
Mixing containerRelease agent
Stirring stickSandpaper
Paintbrush or rollerFiberglass filler
Jigsaw or utility knifeGel coat or paint
Sanding blockAutomotive wax or polish
DrillBolts, clamps or brackets
Clamping toolsMild soap and water

I upgraded my side-by-side tires to Rugged Terrain tires which are good for tackling all the big obstacles in front of me.

Maintenance and Care Checklist for Fiberglass UTV Roof

When I was a beginner at riding UTV I preferred to do Sustainable Riding Practices which is good for me and nature.

When I was a beginner at riding UTV I preferred to do Sustainable Riding Practices which is good for me and nature.
Maintenance TasksFrequency
Inspect for damageRegularly
Clean with mild soap and waterRegularly
Apply protective coatingAs needed, per manufacturer
Protect from UV exposureWhenever exposed to sunlight
Avoid harsh chemicalsAlways
Store in covered areaWhen not in use

I often do Extreme Sports with my friends, so I keep my side-by-side fully upgraded with tightened nuts, oil checks, fluids checks, and so on.

I often do Extreme Sports with my friends, so I keep my side-by-side fully upgraded with tightened nuts, oil checks, fluids checks, and so on.

Maintenance and Care Tips for Your Fiberglass UTV Roof

I do my Vehicle Maintenance and Care independently because I love to fix all vehicles.

I do my Vehicle Maintenance and Care independently because I love to fix all vehicles.

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your fibreglass UTV roof, it’s important to follow a regular maintenance routine and take proper care of the roof. Here are some important maintenance and care hints:

1. Regular Inspections: Periodically inspect your fibreglass UTV roof for any signs of damage, such as cracks, chips, or stress marks.

Pay close attention to areas where the roof may come into contact with branches, debris or other potential hazards. Address any concerns as soon as possible to avoid additional damage.

2. Cleaning: Regularly clean your fibreglass roof to eliminate dirt, dust, and other debris that may have accumulated over time. To wipe the surface gently, use a soft sponge or cloth and a little soap or detergent combined with water.

Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals that can scratch or destroy the fibreglass. Allow the roof to dry completely before adding any protective coatings or waxes.

3. Protective Coatings: Use a protective wax or polish formulated exclusively for fibreglass surfaces. These coatings can offer further protection against UV radiation, moisture, and environmental elements.

To keep the coating’s protective properties, follow the manufacturer’s application and reapplication recommendations.

4. UV Protection: Fiberglass can be affected by prolonged exposure to sunlight and UV rays, leading to fading and deterioration over time.

Whenever possible, park your UTV in a shaded area or use a UTV cover to minimize direct exposure to sunlight.

If your UTV is consistently exposed to the sun, apply a UV protectant specifically formulated for fibreglass surfaces to prevent fading and maintain the roof’s integrity.

5. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Avoid using harsh chemicals or solvents on the fibreglass roof when cleaning your UTV or the surrounding surroundings.

Chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, or abrasive cleaners can damage the surface and jeopardize the roof’s structural integrity. Use mild soaps and cleansers that are safe with fibreglass.

6. Storage: If you plan to store your UTV for an extended period consider covering it with a breathable UTV cover. This will protect the fibreglass roof from dust, debris, and potential impacts.

Additionally, store your UTV in a covered area or garage to shield it from extreme weather conditions which can degrade the fiberglass over time.

By following these maintenance and care tips you can extend the lifespan of your fiberglass UTV roof and keep it in excellent condition.

Regular inspections and cleaning along with protective coatings and UV protection will help preserve the roof’s appearance and performance ensuring you can enjoy your UTV for years to come.

I always keep my side-by-side up to date, so my vehicle is a High-Performance UTV.

I always keep my side-by-side up to date, so my vehicle is a High-Performance UTV.


Building a fibreglass UTV roof is a rewarding project that enhances the functionality and aesthetics of your vehicle.

By following the step-by-step guide provided above you can create a durable and stylish roof that will withstand the elements while adding value to your UTV. 


Q: Is building a fibreglass UTV roof a difficult task?

A: Building a fibreglass UTV roof requires some knowledge and skill in working with fibreglass materials. However, with proper instructions, tools, and patience it is a manageable DIY project for enthusiasts.

Q: How long does the fibreglass take to cure?

A: The curing time for fibreglass varies depending on variables such as temperature and resin type. Fibreglass usually takes 24 to 48 hours to completely cure.

Q: Can I substitute a different resin or fibreglass material?

A: It is best to utilize materials intended expressly for fibreglass work, such as polyester resin and fibreglass mat or cloth. The quality and durability of the roof may suffer if certain materials are substituted.

Q: Do I need any special safety precautions while working with fibreglass?

A: Yes working with fiberglass requires taking safety precautions.

Q: Can I paint the fibreglass roof whichever colour I want?

A: Yes, you can paint the fibreglass roof whatever colour you like. Use paint that is specifically developed for use on fibreglass surfaces and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for best results.

Q: How do I maintain and clean the fibreglass UTV roof?

A: Regularly inspect the roof for any damage, clean it with mild soap and water, and apply a protective coating or wax to enhance its longevity.

To avoid damaging the fibreglass avoid using strong chemicals or abrasive cleansers.

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About Bharat Suthar

I am an author and principal creator of I like riding UTV in mountains and Terrain, Also I try to share all the real life experience here in the site.I am really dedicated to write about my experience. I love doing all the outdoor activity including dirt biking and hiking

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