What Are The Laws For Riding UTVs In Pigeon Forge?|Pigeon Forge UTV Laws.What license do you need to ride UTV in Tennessee?

License and registration:

UTVs must be registered and licensed in Pigeon Forge.

Age restrictions:

Operators must be at least 16 years old to operate a UTV in Pigeon Forge.


All occupants of a UTV must wear seatbelts at all times.


UTVs must have headlights and taillights when riding on public roads.


It's recommended to have insurance coverage for your UTV.

Helmet laws:

Helmets are not required for UTV riders, but it's highly recommended to wear one.

DUI laws:

It's illegal to operate a UTV while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Traffic laws:

UTV riders must follow all traffic laws, including speed limits and stop signs.

Off-road riding:

UTVs are only permitted to ride on designated off-road trails and areas.

Noise restrictions:

UTVs must comply with Pigeon Forge's noise ordinances, which prohibit excessive noise levels.

Passenger restrictions:

UTVs must not exceed the manufacturer's recommended passenger limit.

Safety equipment:

UTVs must have safety equipment such as roll cages, handholds, and footrests.

Environmental regulations:

UTV riders must comply with environmental regulations such as not littering and avoiding damaging wildlife habitats.