UTV White Smoke from Exhaust


Seeing white smoke coming from the exhaust of your UTV can be alarming and may indicate a problem with the engine.

Possible Causes:

The most common causes of white smoke from the UTV exhaust are a blown head gasket, a cracked engine block, or a damaged cylinder head.

Blown Head Gasket:

A blown head gasket can cause coolant to leak into the combustion chamber, leading to white smoke from the exhaust.

Cracked Engine Block:

A cracked engine block can also allow coolant to enter the combustion chamber and cause white smoke.

Damaged Cylinder Head:

A damaged cylinder head can result in coolant leaking into the combustion chamber, leading to white smoke.

Other Causes:

Other possible causes of white smoke from the exhaust include a damaged piston ring, a clogged air filter, or a damaged turbocharger.


Other symptoms that may indicate a problem include engine overheating, loss of power, and coolant loss.


To determine the cause of the white smoke, a mechanic will perform a thorough inspection of the engine and its components.

Repair Options:

Repair options will depend on the underlying cause of the white smoke, but may include replacing the head gasket, repairing or replacing the engine block or cylinder head, or replacing damaged parts.


Regular maintenance, such as oil changes and air filter replacements, can help prevent some issues that can lead to white smoke from the exhaust.

Engine Coolant:

Regularly checking engine coolant levels and ensuring that the coolant is at the proper level and mix can help prevent issues that can lead to white smoke from the exhaust.

Proper Usage:

Proper UTV usage, including avoiding overheating and high-speed driving, can help prevent some issues that can lead to white smoke from the exhaust.