UTV Exhaust Glowing Red -2023 Guide


A UTV exhaust glowing red can be a cause for concern and indicates a potential issue with the engine or exhaust system. In this guide, we'll discuss some possible causes and solutions.

Running lean:

One common cause of a glowing red exhaust is running lean, which means there is not enough fuel in the engine. This can cause the engine to overheat and the exhaust to glow.

Malfunctioning fuel injector:

If the fuel injector is not functioning properly, it may not be delivering enough fuel to the engine, causing it to run lean.

Air leaks:

Air leaks in the intake or exhaust system can cause the engine to run lean and overheat, resulting in a red hot exhaust.

Clogged air filter:

A clogged air filter can restrict air flow to the engine, causing it to run lean and overheat.

Ignition timing:

Incorrect ignition timing can cause the engine to overheat and the exhaust to glow red.

Catalytic converter:

A malfunctioning catalytic converter can cause the exhaust to overheat and glow red.

Exhaust restrictions:

Restrictions in the exhaust system, such as a clogged muffler, can cause exhaust gases to build up and overheat the exhaust system.

Poor quality fuel:

Poor quality fuel can cause the engine to run lean, resulting in a red hot exhaust.

Heavy loads:

Overloading the UTV with heavy loads can cause the engine to overheat and the exhaust to glow red.

High altitude:

At higher altitudes, the air is thinner, which can cause the engine to run lean and overheat.


Depending on the cause of the red hot exhaust, solutions may include adjusting the fuel injection system, replacing the air filter, checking for air leaks, adjusting the ignition timing, replacing the catalytic converter