Studded UTV Tires


Studded UTV tires are a specialized type of tire that are designed to provide increased traction on ice and other slippery surfaces.

Studded Tires vs. Regular Tires:

Studded UTV tires are different from regular UTV tires because they have metal studs embedded in the tread.

Metal Studs:

The metal studs on studded UTV tires are typically made from tungsten carbide, which is a hard and durable material that can withstand the wear and tear of driving on ice.


Studded UTV tires are designed to provide increased traction on icy and slippery surfaces, which can help prevent accidents and improve overall safety.

Studs Only for Winter:

Studded UTV tires are typically only used during the winter months, as driving on dry pavement can cause the metal studs to wear down quickly.

Legal Restrictions:

Studded UTV tires are legal in some areas but may be restricted or banned in others, so it is important to check local regulations before using them.


Studded UTV tires can significantly improve the performance of a UTV on icy and slippery surfaces, allowing for increased maneuverability and control.


Not all UTVs are compatible with studded tires, so it is important to check with the manufacturer or a qualified mechanic before making a purchase.


Studded UTV tires require regular maintenance to ensure that the metal studs remain securely in place and that the tires are properly inflated.


Over time, the metal studs on studded UTV tires can wear down and become less effective, so it is important to replace them periodically to maintain their performance.


Studded UTV tires can be more expensive than regular UTV tires, due to the additional cost of the metal studs and the specialized manufacturing process.


Studded UTV tires require professional installation to ensure that the metal studs are properly embedded in the tread and that the tires are balanced and aligned.